Frequently Asked Questions
Making Appointments
Online Banking
How Do I Make a Complaint
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Why Does The Receptionist Need To Know Why I Need To See The Doctor Or The Nurse?
Why do I need to provide my Address and Date of Birth for my repeat prescription?
Although everyone is one of kind, unfortunately your name isn’t. Providing your address or your date of birth minimises the risk of being confused with another patient with the same or similar name and being prescribed the wrong medication or dosage.
Why can’t the receptionist take my prescription request over the phone?
Our admin and reception staff are not trained medical professionals. We cannot guarantee what you are saying over the phone is correct. Our admin and reception staff do not know if the medication you are asking for is correct or know what your medication is for. The best way to get a repeat prescription is to fill out our online form or to have your script request written down on a piece of paper and handed into reception.
Why do I need to list my medications when you have it on the computer?
Though we do keep a record of medications that have been prescribed by your doctor, it is not always entirely accurate. If you are seeing multiple medical providers such as specialists, you may have given different medications or doses than what we are aware of. Providing medications and doses on your prescription request ensures that we can provide the medications that you require.
When paying by direct credit, please use the name that is on the invoice and the invoice number that are highlighted in yellow as your reference. These numbers will be written in the same location on your invoice as the example image shows. This allows us to allocate the payment to your account accordingly.
Our online banking number is: 06-0837-0258556-00
How do I pay my invoice by direct credit/online banking?
Make a Formal Complaint
We take formal complaints seriously. If you feel like our services are not up to standard, please let us know by filling out the form below